Article Type


Life Science Journal of Pakistan (LSJP) is an international life science journal from Pakistan. We publish materials of interest to the scientists, faculties, students in the broad field of life sciences which may include or related to the disciplines of biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, cell biology, proteomics, physiology, zoology, and plant sciences. Articles describing original qualitative, quantitative, human/animal clinical or laboratory studies are mostly considered for publication. All manuscripts should be comprehensible to the general reader. Types of articles include case reports, case series, descriptive and analytical research with clinical trials, short reports, special communications, and letters to the editor. Clinical conference abstracts, special issues, articles regarding innovation, and those related to research methods and reporting are also published. Secondary research including narrative reviews, systematic reviews, evidence-based articles, meta-analysis, and practice guidelines will also be considered for publication. The frequency of the journal is six issues per year and one special issue on a selected topic or discipline. Before you submit a manuscript, you should read the instructions carefully below.

The following type of articles will be considered for publication in Life Science Journal of Pakistan (LSJP).

Review Articles
 Unstructured abstract: 150-200 words
The maximum word count of text 5000 words
 Up to 50 references
 Up to 10 allowed tables or figures
 Use sequence and sub-headings

Original Articles (including audit, meta-analysis and systematic reviews)
 Structured or unstructured abstract: 250-300 words
The maximum word count of text 4500 words
 Maximum of 45 references
 Maximum 7 allowed tables or figures
 Provide information about Acknowledgements, Disclosure and Conflict of Interest.
 State clearly when and where the study was conducted Quote the ethical approval and informed consent if applicable

Case Reports and Case studies
 Unstructured abstract: 150-200 words
The maximum word count of text 2000 words
 Maximum of 30 references
 Maximum 5 allowed tables or figures
 Disclose whether the consent of the patient was taken before sample collection
 State clearly when the case was seen and follow-up of the patient

Short Report
 Unstructured abstract: 150 words
The maximum word count of text 1500 words
 Maximum of 15 references
 Maximum 3 allowed tables or figures
 acknowledgement if required.

Special Communication
 Unstructured abstract: 150 words
The maximum word count of text 3000 words
 Maximum of 35 references
 Maximum 6 allowed tables or figures

Letters to the Editor
The maximum word count of text: 500 words
 Maximum of 7 recent references
 Maximum 2 allowed table or figure

Letters to the Editor (in response to a published article)
The maximum word count of text: 250 words
 Maximum of 7 references
 Maximum 3 allowed table or figure
 Should not be signed by more than 3 authors