Editorial Issue 1 Volume 2

Main Article Content

Yasar Saleem


This is great pleasure and honor for me that Life Science Journal of Pakistan (LSJP) is publishing its third issue in days of COVID-19 Pandemic partial Lockdown. This global pandemic has changed almost all walks of life but for biological scientists, COVID has launched a new challenge of developing its treatment, cure, patient management, controlling mortality as well finding measures of preventing the spread of infection. The government’s agencies and health care professionals are trying their full efforts to mitigate this worst disease and scientists are trying to address this disease by working on vaccine development and finding new drugs for disease management.  LSJP team extends its best wishes to all those working for the control, management, and treatment of this deadly disease and wishes to publish research and reviews regarding COVID-19 in the near future.

LSJP covers different areas of life science encompassing, Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Medical and Allied Sciences, Plant Sciences, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Animal Sciences. In Pakistan, we have a very limited number of recognized journals, due to which publication time is very long and one has to wait for a very long period to get the work published. LSJP was started to share the burden of pre-existing journals and publish the research articles in minimum possible time using the same standard procedure followed by most of the popular journals. There has been a great effort by our team, particularly the Journal manager, all section editors, chief editor, and chief executive.  Team LSJP made every effort to make the process of manuscript submission, review and publication very user friendly and convenient, for that we used a similar model as that of journals of repute.

In the third issue, four manuscripts will be published, in medical and allied fields, we have accepted a total of three manuscripts out of which two are original research articles and one is mini-review. While the fourth manuscript is related to plant sciences. In the former category, a very unique observation of needlestick injury during nursing practices was selected for publication. That manuscript provides insight regarding the safer delivery of an injection. This encompasses direct hospital experiences and will be helpful for paramedics.  The second manuscript of this category explains the prevalence of HBV infection among pre-operative patients in remote areas of KPK, Pakistan. While a review has been accepted for publication that covers the role of PCBs and heavy metals on thyroid function and brain.  We feel it will be helpful for relevant scientists and researchers at large to get the benefit of these articles. The last article accepted for publication covers morphological and other quality traits of oil crop sunflower based on improved oil contents, oil quality, and yield by using hybrids. This research may be used for the improvement of yield and other quality traits in breeding programs of sunflowers. LSJP will continue addressing scientific trends of life science-related all disciplines mentioned in the scope of LSJP, for that we hope more and active participation of scholars from academia and R&D institutes. 

In the end, I congratulate the LSJP team and I am thankful to all especially the Journal Manager for his hard work and sincere efforts to covert our dream of establishing a new journal into a reality. I am also thankful to Chief Executive, Chief Editor, Section Editors, and reviewers for their help and support for bringing LSJP at this level of starting its journey by taking the first step towards excellence in life sciences.



Dr. Yasar Saleem,

Managing Editor,

Life Science Journal of Pakistan

Article Details

How to Cite
Yasar Saleem. (2020). Editorial Issue 1 Volume 2. Life Science Journal of Pakistan, 2(1), iii-iii. Retrieved from https://lifesciencejournal.pk/index.php/lsjp/article/view/42